Snarking Since: January 28, 2021. Meows: 521. OrangeTan. Lye3119 meowed . Meows: 433. June 9, 2022 - 10:30 am. May 5, 2021 - 9:53 pm. October 12, 2021 - 1:33 pm. July 6, 2021 - 12:53 pm. July 10, 2020 - 5:08 pm. Meows: 81. Meows: 1097. Meows: 1757. Dani Austin. So essentially, she could've taken the spot of someone who TRULY needed their passport due to the death of a family member. News Forums Chat Profile Contact. Why do they keep having Stella sleep on that pink blanket?? Isn’t that parenting 101– she should be on a flat surface with no blankets. This page is basically one big uncensored inside joke about Dani. Love that Dani is celebrating Cabo with “her favorite people on that planet” while her two kids- one of which is having a 2nd birthday Saturday- are back home in Texas. If anyone mentions commenting on her Instagram, reporting her to anyone, or trying to circumvent Blogsnark rules (including mentioning call out accounts,) you will receive a 7 day ban. I’m confused. June 26, 2022 - 10:56 am. I can’t imagine announcing right after a positive test to anyone, especially after infertility. idoitfortheclicks meowed . Snark Who Swipes Up. Dani Austin Ramirez / daniaustin. barefoot dreams, dani austin nordstrom, dani austin nordy, nike, nordstrom, nordstrom anniversary sale dani austin, nordy, nsale, olaplex, olaplex sale, spanx. feathering another n. She had a box up let's give it to the influencers" someone posted that Dani's brother is a two timing player, that her roomie got played by him. August 31, 2018 - 1:38 pm. Cat. I always feel so bad for Dani’s kids, I’m almost glad she blocked me so I don’t have to see her not give sh*t about being a mom. You can kinda tell the ones she. Dani Austin Ramirez / daniaustin. Everything is an elaborate and thought out party for Dani. They do both seem like giggling high schoolers playing house. 1 362 363 364 368. May 3, 2021 - 11:09 pm. Dani is an idiot for not packing extra clothes, especially since this has happened numerous times now. Kitten. have it in every color. Dani Austin Ramirez / daniaustin. Its a miracle! Cat. winstonbishopsbirdshirt meowed . Bellybutton Cavern. Duchess Sucksess meowed . GOMIBLOG / Forums / Instagram. November 12, 2021 - 1:18 am. I cringe watching her attempt to interact with him. Snarking Since:Dani Austin Ramirez / daniaustin. Meows: 659. June 1, 2020 - 11:09 pm. mama. Meows: 14. October 22, 2020 - 9:47 pm. June 26, 2018 - 4:41 pm. January 11, 2021 - 9:30 pm. SoManyMessagesAboutThis. June 2, 2021 - 3:44 pm. Cosplaying New England Summer Prepster meowed . Hamcat. Well, it’s good to know someone is holding Stratton while Dani spends all day trying on clothes, goes to get her nails done with her mom, and out for margaritas. October 19, 2022 - 2:55 pm. Dani Austin Ramirez / daniaustin. Meows: 213. I hope not. Hamprince of Meowtonia. OnMyBlahgg meowed . Meows: 1757. Dani Austin Ramirez / daniaustin. Snarking Since: November 13, 2020. or Best Offer. Skip to content Skip to main menu. Superfluff. According to the 2023 estimates, Daryl Ann Denner net worth is around. July 19, 2018 - 11:37 am. Dani Austin. K16. Meows: 127. December 28, 2020 - 11:26 am. Meows: 6094. imaleo. Snarking Since: January 28, 2021. Cat. Cracker Barrel Barbie. boss_babe meowed . The tea is hot hot hot Dani’s former employee made a tik tok about how awful it was to work for her. Dani goes to her first job with Stella & Jordan. March 18, 2023 - 4:37 am. July 13, 2022 - 7:56 pm. Snarking Since: May 8, 2020. still immature and a skeleton. She has a vsco page with photos of her charmed life. This was the family with the. Snarking Since:. Dani wanted to play mom for a hot minute. Meows: 10. Kimki21. August 24, 2022 - 9:27 am. October 22, 2021 - 3:40 pm. Meows: 127. April 21, 2023 - 10:49 pm. She said on Stories today that her car gets broken into once a year and they steal everything. Cat. And I call BS on the flight attendant not allowing her to. And the fan poodles are PISSED! The comments on her post are just – gross. Why does she randomly have an underbite in her car stories. Holy shit. Nobody loves her meowed . Meows: 1029. hellohappymonday. Candycane. Dani Austin Ramirez / daniaustin. Dani Austin Ramirez / daniaustin. Candycane. Dani Austin Ramirez / daniaustin. Meows: 99. ShowMeYourVeneers. pandemicpolice. Hamcat. Amazon Prime Baby Bump. Meows: 1757. Meows: 1310. clap. Why is she having a joint party for her and Stella? Let your daughter be the star for her first birthday! There is literally no reason she needs a party as a grown adult. eieiooo. Dani Austin fake everything. How does Stella “get into” everything. hamfan. Again…the stretch for “content” is unreal. Do you even go to this school. Snarking Since: July 12, 2020. omg I am LIVING for this and am hear to watch it unfold. Cat. Meows: 5661. Why does she think showing her disgusting bedsheets makes her relatable? Girl we know women sweat after birth, we don’t need proof. Snarking Since: October 16, 2020. Dani Austin Ramirez / daniaustin. May 16, 2021 - 6:46 am. Snark of the Covenant. Engagement: 5. February 18, 2021 - 8:55 pm. Dani Austin. Count de Meowmy. She hasn't worked in the health/fitness field EVER, and she has made that quite obvious. Meows: 18. xo1234xo. Vintage Forever 21 meowed . June 26, 2020 - 7:45 pm. I’m furious over the fact she didn’t pack wipes, diapers, or a second outfit for stella for the airport. mama. she is so childish and annoying. Meows: 659. October 3, 2021 - 10:30 pm. 5. Hamcat. News Forums Chat Profile Contact. Dani Austin Ramirez / daniaustin. teehee lets trick my husband into thinking i somehow pierced my nose in a quarantine without him knowing. May 22, 2022 - 3:34 pm. I really think she tells him to video. Dani Austin. We closed on the house! Yesterday, we packed everything up, loaded a U-Haul, and. mama. Meows: 171. Hamcat. ShowMeYourVeneers. Leave it to Dani to act like she’s the first to ever do something and it’s the most novel thing ever. 5 million followers. 1 168 169 170 367. Dani Austin. Hamcat. Count de Meowmy. Dani Austin Ramirez / daniaustin. Dani's trip is to develop/push her own hair serum. Dani’s face looks physically in pain when she smiles. News Forums Chat Profile Contact. I sincerely cannot. alittlesnarkykitty meowed . Hamprince of Meowtonia. Cracker Barrel Barbie. Snarking Since: October 3, 2021. And shared what he did. Dani couldn’t even just let the bridesmaids have fun with each other she had to go back there and make herself the center of attention and get her mom. Snarking Since: February 11, 2021. Hamcat. bloggerinparadise. See, I've also befriended somebody else in Dallas---a man--and he has a very distinctive social media schtick. does she not have an IBCLC? That’s who I asked all my questions to, not the internet. Snarking Since: May 26, 2020. Snarking Since: December 31, 2017. Cracker Barrel Barbie meowed Dani is such a sh*t mom. Anyone else completely freaked out by that greatest showman performance from their odd friend on the bus? I would be looking for the nearest emergency exit to jump out of. snark meowed Surprise, surprise. GOMIBLOG / Forums / Instagram. I believe she is 15, maybe 16. mama meowed . transfatandchinarags. Has she ever discussed having an ? She looks unwell. Your hormones are trying to regulate how much milk to produce, you're bonding with a new baby, and your whole "normal" goes out the window. February 8, 2022 - 4:32 pm. Stella’s actually birthday is on the 22nd but they did the party a whole week early?Dani Austin Ramirez / daniaustin. Dani Austin Ramirez Total Followers: 2.